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Hyperion Bound Part Three

Posted on Sat Sep 1st, 2018 @ 10:38pm by Ael'isha T'vek & Lieutenant Commander Mira Jayde & Lieutenant Commander Jason Smoak & Lieutenant Commander Velah & Lieutenant JG Élan Val & Lieutenant Tristan Balor & Lieutenant Zhara Rynn & Lieutenant JG Iona Csira & Ensign Leslie Gallant III & Master Chief Petty Officer Liang Shao

1,989 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Ghost of a Chance


Ael'isha glared hatefully at Jason Smoak for a long moment before she finally sneered and backhanded him hard across the face. Leaving him on the deck where he fell, she snarled in Romulan before she finally sat down in the command chair and crossed her legs. "Tell me, commander. Do you have another ship out there, or did you manage to send a signal from your ship in an effort to disable mine? Oh, and I'd like to know if you have any Romulans on board your ship, particularly any who are from the Romulan military or some government official. I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. I may even order my men to stop using you for, what do you humans call it? A punching bag?"

Jason stumbled slightly, but he didn’t fall over. Even though there was slight blood, be still kept to his smirk, as he turned his head back over to Ael’isha, glaring right back at her. “In order for me to accurately tell you what you want to know I need to access the computer. Everything was happening all at once, when you arrived, so I am not sure if anyone tried to sneak anything by you from when I was on the bridge to when I meet you in the shuttle bay with the Captain.”

Ael’isha sighed with impatience and shook her head before she started pacing. She finally stopped and turned towards Smoak. "Put him at the helm and keep a close eye on him," she ordered. Turning towards Csira. "Are this ship's engines in working order yet?" she snapped.

"I guess that's a no?" Jason replied before being shoved forward. He walked to the helm, accompanied by two Romulan officers, until he was pushed into the chair. He couldn't help but smirk before reaching for the console, but stopping. He looked up to one of the officers and slowly began to say. "I... am... going... to... unlock... the... con... sole." He then raised his hands slightly before adding. "No need to shoot me." He said with a smirk.

One of the Romulan Officers shoved Jason's head before saying in a firm tone. "Just do your job. No tricks."

Jason tapped the console, unlocking the helm, before bringing up the controls. "To be fair, if I was going to do something, you wouldn't see it." He said softly, high enough for the two officers to hear him, before turning to face Ael'isha and shouting. "Do you have a destination or do you want to just point to a star and I'll keep going until the shields start registering the intense heat?"

The door opened and two Romulans escorted the counselor onto the bridge. She carefully took in the scene before her and the physical condition of Lieutenant Commander Smoak.

She then turned her full attention to the woman in the Captain's chair.


Jayde finished her work and moved on to operations where she would be able to cause malfunctions in that would make it harder for the Romulans to take command of the ship. She was careful to take side corridors and listen carefully so she wouldn't run into anyone, friend or foe. Right now, it was far more important that she stay out of sight.

She hadn't gone far when she decided it was too dangerous and climbed into an access tunnel, carefully securing the panel behind her. She didn't have long to work. THe Romulans would be making sweeps of the ship, gathering everyone they could find.

As she made her meandering way through side tunnels towards a section of the tubes that would prevent internal scanners from locating her, she carefully started a cascade effect to cause a major power relay to fail. Then she took a detour to release a worm into the air filtration system.

[USS Helios]

Élan sighed impatiently as she waited. She wasn't usually so impatient, but the situation wasn't ideal, or normal, and she was tired of sitting around doing nothing. Drumming her fingernails along the top of the console, she turned towards the others in the runabout cockpit. "I vote that some of us beam over to the ship and try to help," the Trill said finally.

"Would that trigger any warnings that we were to go across?" Velah asked. "Science is not my expertice, nor is the ranges of transporters." She added. "I could tell you the body damage that would result from the weapon fire if we are detected." She glanced around. "Can our sensors tell us a good place to cross undetected? answer these questions and I will consider a rescue attempt."

"If we can disable the sensor array or beam to a section of the ship where the internal sensors are down, we won't trigger any alarms," Élan replied as her eyes shifted to a solid gray color, reflecting that Val was actually the one speaking. "We're within range of the transporters, although I admit we will have to boost power to them in order to lower the risk of beaming someone over that great of a distance from the runabout, but it can be done. And, I know the perfect location on the ship to beam over to, one where the internal sensors won't trigger an alarm by our presence and that the Romulans have absolutely zero access to. In fact, I'm willing to bet that no one has even thought of it yet."

Liang shook her head. "It's too dangerous. Anything we do will risk us being noticed. It is my belief that our best course of ction is to stay hidden and make covert, unnoticed attacks from a distance. Once they know we are here, we risk losing the shuttle to them and I do not think that would be wise."

Élan nodded slowly. "That's why I'm suggesting we beam over to the ship. We can do more to help over there than we can from here and it's less risk to those that stay behind on the Helios. It can also increase our chanced of helping the crew," she said. "And, if whoever we send over there is caught, it'll help hide the Helios because the Romulans would most likely think that person would be responsible for anything the Helios is doing.

"I think the matter being scrambled and put across might be detected?" Velah pointed out. "If there are sufficent people to take the ship then they have a good number of people, if a transmission from a shuttle would be detected them the larger signal of a transporter would also be noticed." She tilt her head. "Now if we want to help we have tothink of how much will hiding help and how long caqn we remain unnoticed? I do not presume we will have forever so what can we do to best help?"

"A space jump!" Élan blurted out suddenly. At the very thought, she felt Val squirm. The symbiont had a special fear of zero G environments, but she ignored it for now. It was an idea, although she had to admit not a very good one. "We have three space suits on board for external experiments and for fine tuning the runabout's sensor pod. A single person in a suit won't register on the sensors unless we openly transmit a signal."

"That is true, but whom do you think shoud go across?" Velah asked. "And do we have a person who could bypass usual protocols in the airlocks so not to trip any alarms? Or should we leave your space walkers to cross while the Heelos makes a diversion?"

Liang had never tried anything like they were suggesting, so she did not venture an opinion. However, she was most interested to hear how this discussion turned out.

Élan made an uncomfortable expression, but since it had been her idea, she nodded. "I can access the sensor pod without setting off any alarms. In fact, I'm just about the only person who can access the pod without the computer flagging the entry codes. I already have the internal sensors deactivated because of . . . a previous personal situation, so once I'm in they'll never notice me. From there, I'll have access to everything, including the pod control room and the dorsal aft torpedo launcher. I can initiate a full lockout by engaging the quarantine mode so other than the airlock, they'll never be able to access the pod from the ship," she said.

"So, the pod is locked out. How do you propose to use that to our advantage?" Liang asked.

"The pod's not locked out right now, but it can be," Élan explained. "But the control room on the pod has a direct access ODN line to the computer core, plus access to ship-wide controls and direct access to the ship that the Romulans can't utilize."

"No, but is it wise?" Liang asked. "Would we be of more assistance here, where we might be able to learn more about these Romulans and why they attack us? We would be in a better position to hamstring their weapons."

"Once we do anything they will know we are here." Velah said. "if there is one cloaking ship for what we can guess to be pirates as no 'Official' Romulan activity would be to the Empire advantage we can also take into our planning a second vessel possible. To deal with anything outside of plans, a safety factor. So whatever move we make outside hiding will likely be noticed. What if we have you cross over and do your thing with the pod and the HELIOS darts away to send for help, ti would be alone. I think getting help is a paramount thing to achieve and sitting here delays any help we can hope to get." Velah suggested. "I propose that if we follow your plan with the ship the runabout goes to get help."

"I'm all for that," Élan said. It was risky, but splitting their team would increase the chances for them to do something that would help the Hyperion and the rest of the crew. "The problem with going for help, as far as I can see, is will the Romulans send any help? Following that, the second question would be 'Who, if anyone, is going with me'?"

Liang said her piece. She had the program Jayde sent her and knew how to implement it. If the others wished to go in another direction, that was entirely up to them. She, however, would do as Jayde asked. While they were talking, she'd carefully prepared a program to piggyback off the nearest relay and then to the Romulan ship's stellare cartography where it would be released and make its way to the main computer. Within an hour, if all went well, the Romulan ship's weapons and shields would fail. It might help save lives if the Romulans chose to attack again.


Jayde was finally in the small section of the tubes, near the warp core where internal sensors couldn't pick up her life signs. She'd released four different programs along the way. One into air filtration where it would release an unpleasant odor throughout the ship. One that was especially repulsive to Romulans. One went into the power conduit to the bridge. Within the hour, it would short out all bridge controls. One made the computer play loud rock music through all speakers. The last created blackouts throughout the ship. And now, she was going to make it look like the warp core was in breach. Or she would, once she made her way into engineering.

Power went out in Main Engineering. Was that part of the power outings the ship had experienced recently? She wasn't sure.

Since faking a breach couldn't happen right now, she moved on to plan B and released gas onto the bridge to put everyone to sleep.

to be continued


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