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Reunited Part II

Posted on Tue Jan 23rd, 2018 @ 4:26am by Captain John Theisman & Lieutenant Commander Mira Jayde & Lieutenant Commander Jason Smoak & Lieutenant JG Élan Val
Edited on on Tue Jan 23rd, 2018 @ 4:27am

1,483 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Ghost of a Chance
Location: USS Hyperion

Previously on the USS Hyperion:

"Glad to see you haven't lost that sharp tongue of yours, Elf." Jason replied with a smile before adding. "Look, no knife. See?" He put the knife down on the desk and turned back to face her with both hands out toward her, showing his palms. "No tricks. No underhandedness or overhandedness of any sort. It's just me and my knifeless hands. I'm sincere about being on the same side. I'm actually relieved we're on the same team and I don't have to lie to you anymore. And I am sure its a kick for you because your the XO and I'm under you." He paused for a moment then smirked. "Not that I ever had a problem with being under you. Or above you. Or even behind-" Jason quickly stopped then chuckled a bit. "Sorry. Couldn't help it."

Jayde moved quickly and quietly. She slapped him with one hand, grabbed her knife with the other, then headed for the door.


Jason took the slap, but remained unphased but its pain. He was expecting it, in fact, he was hoping for it and was glad it was done sooner than later. With a bit of a smile he looked to her as she headed to the door and shouted. "Hey." In order to get her attention before adding. "Be honest? How long have you been holding that one in?"

Jayde just glared at him and walked out the door.

"That long, huh?" Jason replied with a smile before shaking his head and walking back to the desk. "Glad she didn't use the knife."

Jayde went straight to one of the empty training rooms. She set her knife and staff by the wall and began to go through the controlled movements Liang had taught her. She hadn't thought of Smoak for years. He was part of a past life. She should have more self-control. She had more self-control. And yet, at the first sight of him, she reverted to the person she had been before Liang. Before her training. After an hour of exercises, she remembered that she'd left her box in his office. And swore again.

After changing into something a little more comfortable, this time it was a pair of black slacks and corset that actually covered more than what she usually wore, and spending some time in her office, Élan remembered that she hadn't filed her official report, even though she had already written it out and set it aside. Grabbing the Padd with the report, she took a deep breath and mentally prepared herself for any encounter she might have before leaving her office and heading off to find Commander Jayde. She figured that the first officer would most likely be in or around the security office, so she headed in that direction first.

Jayde had finished her exercises and was on her way back to Smoak's office to get her box--hopefully from someone other than him--when she saw Val approaching. She bowed to the science officer in greeting. "Hello, lieutenant."

Élan bowed her head in greeting towards the first officer as she approached. "Commander, I wanted to present you with my report on the away mission. I tried to be objective in some parts of it, but I'm afraid that my wording may be a little . . . blunt, in some areas."

"Blunt is fine," Jayde assured her. "We must be fair and unbiased which can lead to bluntness at times."

"I hope you and the captain feels the same when I'm done with my report," Élan said, almost too quietly.

Following the return of the Helios and the away team, John had ordered a fullly detailed scan of the asteroid field, mostly for the purpose of marking the location of the asteroid that had caused so much trouble. He had issued the order under the guise of updating the star charts, but he was sure that the Romulan government would see through the hidden agenda if they cared to dig too deeply or if Sevena filed a seperate report. He shrugged the worries off. Both sides knew that such issues would occur, and John wasn't about to be sensative about finding a secret Romulan base when they had been willing to bloody his senior officers' noses in a premeditated fight to see just how tough humans really were. He was curious about the after mission report, and so after a while he took to tracking Commander Jayde down to see if she had anything to add to the verbal brief she had given over the comm channel.

Jayde was still talking to Élan in the corridor when she saw the captain approaching. She bowed to him. "Hello, captain."

Turning, Élan noticed the captain and she braced to attention instinctively. "Good afternoon, Captain," she said.

"Ah, Commander just the person I was looking for," John said with a smile as he walked up. Glancing over at Elan he nodded. "At ease, Lieutenant. So, Miss Jayde, I was curious as to how the away mission went. Anything interesting happen?"

Jayde looked at Élan, then back at Captain Theismann. "Yes and no. We found an asteroid that had been used for terraforming experiments. One body with no cause of death, and an empty lab. We also found some rather interesting flora and fauna."

"Did you find anything that we can use to explain what the Romulans were trying to do with their terraforming experiments?" John asked.

"Not specifically," Jayde replied. "It appears that they were trying to duplicate Genesis without using protomatter. Some of the flora and fauna are predatory."

"Genesis. Interesting," John muttered thoughtfully. "Did you encounter any problems throughout the mission?" he asked after a moment.

Jayde looked at Élan and tried not to smile. "We almost had a mutiny, but we managed to prevent it."

John froze and stared at his first officer for a moment before he finally blinked. "A mutiny is a very serious charge, Commander," he said in a tone that was far from nice. "What happened?"

Élan opened her mouth and started to respond, but her mind finally caught up with her along with a gentle warning feeling from Val. Her eyes flashed angrily and she closed her mouth with a slight click of her teeth and simply stood there and brooded while Commander Jayde answered the Captain.

"A misunderstanding," Jayde said. "As to what was classified under Intelligence and what was not. So it was not actually mutiny. He tried to take control of the mission to protect us from accidentally uncovering information we should not have regarding Genesis." She did have one question of her own. "When did we get a new Chief of Security?"

"Smoak?" John couldn't help keep a slightly strange tone out of his voice. "He arrived on the runabout Koa Mano while you were on the asteroid. He arrived with completely legal orders to assume the position of chief of security and tactical. The most I can do is retain you as department head and keep him as your deputy, if you want. We had to send the Mano back to the nearest starbase with Commander Divaro and most of the senior engineering staff and we really don't have a reason to not accept his transfer."

"No. He's good at his job," she said wryly. Too good. The idea of working that closely with him again made her flush with too many emotions to sort through right now.

John watched Jayde for a moment, then frowned. "I take it you know him from a previous ship?" he asked as he cast a sideways glance towards Val. He had noticed her reaction earlier and would have to talk to her as well.

"Yes." It was a loaded question and Jayde's answer was equally loaded. In private, she would tell the captain about her experience with Jason while she was in the Maquis.

"I see," John said with a carefully guarded tone. He decided to let it be. If Jayde wanted to talk about it, then he trusted her to do so. "Well, as long as he behaves, then we'll call it a trade off for loosing Divaro and all of our officers in engineering. Was there anything else that I should know about that happened out there?"

"Nothing that was not taken care of at the time. I will send you my report." Jayde glanced at Val. "She may have additional information for you." She paused. "For the record, I have nothing against Commander Smoak as an officer."

Élan raised her eyebrows and almost gave a feral-like smile. She had quite a bit to say, but she was wanting to be somewhat professional about it and not go off in the middle of the corridor. Instead, the Trill nodded her head and bite her bottom lip in order to keep quiet for the moment.



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