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Sat Jun 8th, 2024 @ 9:34pm

Captain John Theisman

Name John T. Theisman

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 160
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Hazel


Spouse Mara Senra-Theisman
Children None
Father Thomas Theisman
Mother Suzanna Theisman
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Despite being an admiral's son, John has always frowned on his father's influence in order to help his career along. He prefers to earn his achievements himself and has often gone out of his way to make sure that his father isn't involved in any offers that Starfleet Command has given him. An only child, he grew up not really knowing his parents, and this has influenced him somewhat. He shows a certain kind of empathy towards children who are suffering from a lack of parental support. John understands that violence is something that will occur, but he prefers to act defensively. That being said, he will take offensive action if he must. He is usually quiet and reserved, and he is always calm even when faced with pressuring situations.
Strengths & Weaknesses John is intelligent, but he prefers subjects that interest him, and will only learn what he needs if the subject matter doesn't. He is a quick thinker but he will often react to situations in a defensive manner until he has figured out a solution to the problem. He is loyal to his friends and his crew. He has an in depth knowledge of Starfleet and prefers not to use the influence of his father's name and office.
Ambitions John's main ambition has always been to earn command of a Starfleet explorer on his own. Now that he’s achieved that, he plans to continue serving as a Starfleet captain until his retirement.
Hobbies & Interests History, books and strategy games are at the top of John's interests. He also plays the guitar and enjoys sailing, horseback riding and Camping.
Languages Federation Standard, Latin, German, Modern Vulcan, Bajoran, Cardassian, understands a wide range of Romulan and Klingon

Personal History John was born on Earth in 2351. The son of two Starfleet officers, he spent most of his childhood going from one starship to another. His father was a very career dedicated officer who tried to spend some time with John, but was more often than not focused on his duty. His mother tried to spend as much time with him as possible, but she too was often called away by her duties as a Starfleet officer. Things settled somewhat in 2360, when John's father was promoted to the rank of admiral and transferred to Starfleet Command on Earth.

Even on Earth, John often found some things difficult. While the school children on Starfleet ship's and star bases were often the children of Starfleet officers or ratings, public schools on Earth were quite different and John was often picked on by other kids for being an admiral's son. This led to John becoming angry and bitter, something he carried throughout junior high. He finally snapped in his freshman year in high school and he started getting into a number of fights during his early high school years until one fight resulted in his father being called out of a meeting during his sophomore year.

His father, understanding the problem, began to teach John how to deal with his problems without resulting to violence. Where there were times where trying to resolve situations without violence failed, John's father fell back on teaching his son how to defend himself. John was taught a number of defensive martial arts from Earth and even a few Vulcan moves that allowed him to quickly end fights without things getting too far out of hand. His final years in high school passed quickly without any major disruptions.

As was expected of him when he graduated, John enrolled into Starfleet Academy right after graduating high school. He was accepted on his first attempt, something he always suspected was due to the fact that his father was a Starfleet admiral.
Service Record John fell into step at Starfleet Academy easily. He had been exposed to Starfleet all his life and his father had insisted in teaching his son the basics of being in Starfleet, so there wasn't much difference to John. He excelled in starship tactics, helm, and basic science, but he often struggled with some of the more advanced technical stuff. Despite this, he still managed to pass all of his classes with satisfactory grades. Although his father frowned because the majority of John's grades were Bs and several high Cs, he said nothing since, technically, John was passing his courses.

Graduating from Starfleet Academy, John was assigned to the USS Wolverine, one of the new Defiant class ships that was tasked with patrolling the Bajoran sector and trying to keep the peace. When the Dominion War broke out less than a month after the Wolverine arrived on station, John and his crewmates found themselves thrown into the middle of the front lines. Based out of first Starbase 2310 in 2373 and later Starbase 375 in 2374, the Wolverine was mostly dispatched to patrol and defensive action situations thought the first year of the war. In the few times that the Wolverine was sent into one of the clashing front lines battles, they were often assigned to protective escort or rear guard positions. Originally assigned to the 7th Fleet, the Wolverine was one of the few surviving ships that survived the Dominion's ambush of the 7th Fleet in 2374. The crew requested to join the counter attack led by the USS Defiant, but battle damage resulted in the Wolverine being instead being left behind until repairs were complete. During the final year of the war, the Wolverine took part in some of the more offensive operations, including the final offensive of the Joint Allied Armada that fought its way to Cardassia Prime.

After the Dominion War ended, John had hoped to remain on board the Wolverine. Instead, he was transferred to the Nebula class ship USS Avalon, one of the Starfleet ships assigned to patrol along Cardassian space as part of the peacekeeping force that was present after the Dominion War. Assigned to the tedious task of putting out the numerous problems that popped up across Cardassian space after the war, the Avalon and her crew were witness to many of the horrors that the Cardassians and the Dominion had inflicted not only on other species but their own civilians throughout a number of colony worlds. The Avalon also liberated several hidden prison camp planets, some which still held Bajoran prisoners from during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. During the liberation of one of the prison camp planets, John met a Cardassian/Bajoran woman named Mara Senra who had been decreed an outcast by the Cardassians and who was rejected by the Bajorans for her mixed heritage. John suggested she stay aboard the Avalon as a civilian. With John's backing, Mara was allowed to remain on the Avalon as a political refugee until she could find a permanent home. Shortly after, John and Mara fell in love and were married in a private ceremony.

In 2378, John was offered a transfer to the New Orleans class ship USS Centurion as XO. Seeing the offer as a chance to both further his Starfleet career and get both him and his wife away from the haunted ghost lands that the Avalon still patrolled, John accepted. The Centurion was assigned to a two year border patrol mission along the frontier regions of the Federation, which was mostly an uneventful mission. At the conclusion of the Centurion's mission, the captain recommended that John be given his own command. Starfleet Command agreed with the recommendation and John found himself promoted to captain and given command of the Series II Excelsior class ship USS Proxima in 2381.

Even though the Proxima was an older and by some modern minds an outdated ship, John found that he loved his new command. Starfleet Command allowed him a year to settle in before assigning the Proxima to a five year exploration mission along the Federation's south western borders in 2382. Returning to Federation space in 2387, the Proxima was resupplied and assigned to a second five year mission, this time along the Federation's northern borders and near Romulan territory. The Proxima's second five year exploration mission was cut short in 2389 when Starfleet ordered the Proxima to the Romulan Neutral Zone for patrol duties. In early 2393, the Proxima was ordered to return to Utopia Planitia shipyards for a complete overhaul. While en route to the Sol system, Starfleet Command contacted John with the offer of a new command, the USS Hyperion. He accepted and was transferred to the Hyperion as her commanding officer.