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Exploring the Asteroid (part 3)

Posted on Fri Jun 30th, 2017 @ 10:18am by Lieutenant Commander Mira Jayde & Lieutenant Tristan Balor & Lieutenant JG Élan Val
Edited on on Fri Jun 30th, 2017 @ 10:23am

1,241 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Genesis Legacy



"Than regulations permit me to commandeer this shuttle and stop it until we get permission from Starfleet Command." Tristan looked over to Ensign Gallant and stood up. "Ensign Gallant, please stop the shuttle until further notice. I am taking command of this mission by order of Starfleet Intelligence."


Élan’s head snapped up and around towards the intelligence officer, her face fortunately schooled into an emotionless expression, hiding the sudden shock and raw furious anger that suddenly flooded her emotions. She had been content to focus her attention towards her console while he and Commander Jayde verbally argued over how to proceed. For her part, she had kept quiet, even when the mention of Genesis had been spoken. Val had nearly jolted in surprise at hearing the word again, and Élan wasn’t about to reveal just how familiar the symbiont was with the project.

But for someone to simply commandeer her runabout when there was no hard factual data to support his actions was crossing the line as far as the Trill was concerned. Élan bristled and tensed like a viper preparing to attack. The Helios was her craft, assigned to the science department staff on board the Hyperion, her science department, by order of Starfleet Command, making her the de facto commander unless the situation dictated that a command officer needed to take over. Only the fact that she felt the first officer stir kept her quiet and in her seat, and as the two commanders stood and argued, Élan returned her attention back towards her screens.

"Belay that order," Jayde said. She stood and turned to Tristan. "We are in Romulan space. Somehow, someone got a hold of information on this Genesis. I do not think turning back and waiting for Starfleet to give us permission is the best course of action under the circumstances. We need to find out how it got here and take care of it. Do you really want to leave it for the Romulan Star Empire to discover? IF this is even Genesis."

Tristan turned to Jayde and replied. "I agree." He said firmly, before crossing his arms over his chest. "I am required by our laws and regulations, especially that of my own Department, to intervene and take over. Now to leave this device in their hands, but to ensure no classified information is released and spreads from this point on. You need to understand that, although we agree that this situation should be dealt with, I am bound by my departments protocol. Genesis was locked down by Starfleet Intelligence for a reason and, because of that, it falls under our responsibility to keep it locked up. So this mission, now unfortunately, falls under my jurisdiction." He turned back to Ensign Gallant and repeated. "Belay her Belay and all stop."

"I am going down to that asteroid, commander. If you want to stay here on the shuttle and make sure none of the information that is now listed as classified gets past you, go right ahead." She turned to Élan. "Care to accompany me?"

"Than by order of Starfleet Intelligence I am required to take you and anyone else into custody." Tristan said quickly, raising his voice. "By law, any officer who goes down there without me will be placed under court martial. I do not want to do that, but I can if it means keeping this from escalating any further."

Before Élan could answer, the intelligence officer interrupted her. She nearly laughed out loud at the concept of Val allowing her to be arrested for such an unprecedented charge. But, once again, she kept quiet and checked on her screens once more.

He looked around the shuttle firmly before looking back to Jayde, taking her hand. "Please, come with me." Tristan led her to a corner of the shuttle and whispered to her softly. "I do not want to go against you one this, because we both agree this should be dealt with. Unfortunately, my protocols are pulling me the other way. If you continue this without me at your side, two things will happen. Once, you will all be in trouble, despite your intentions being good. Two, I will get in greater trouble for standing down and allowing it to happen. That will mean leaving the Hyperion, and since I have personal interest in staying, I do not want that to happen either. So, you and I must compromise. While I understand you have a great trust in the Captain and that he will stand by your side on this, Starfleet Intelligence will see it differently and I will be the one who it will fall on because I am the representative here for Intel. Do you understand?"

"I understand," she said. "But this is not us going into classified files to gain information. This is a case of discovering what is here and why. If it happens to have something to do with the Genesis research, then we will have to classify it. But all we know right now is that the data suggests a similarity. I do not wish you or anyone on this shuttle to be in jeopardy. But I cannot turn my back on this."

"If we are to continue this, we must do it a certain way. You must allow me to take the lead on this because of its sensitivity. I will key you in, step by step, on what we must do and I will confide in you for your security expertise, but the file must read that I took lead. For everyone's sake." Tristan said softly, gripping her hand a bit tighter as if afraid of something. "For both our sake."

"I will agree to compromise--to a point. As Chief of Security and First Officer, I will retain the lead, because I am responsible for the safety of this team. But I will agree to share that lead," she said. "I do not care what your paperwork says. Write that you were in charge if you wish." She did not want him to get in trouble, either. However, she had to consider the inherent danger of the mission as well.

Tristan stood there, staring at her. He was a bit heartbroken, but his face didn't show it. It was as if he was analyzing the situation and acting accordingly. "You don't think I am considering the same thing?! Although, my position as Chief of Intel doesn't require it, I am honor bound to keep this ship and crew in safe hands. Putting my own safety aside for theirs. It's not a Starfleet thing. It's a Gestari thing. By blade or by blood. I have considered the danger of this mission because, if the Romulan's are using Genesis on that asteroid, there is a strong possibility that there are some down there working on it, or guarding it. I would never, in my entire life, allow anyone to go down there unaccompanied with me. Not because of Intel Security, but because of personal security. You can continue to pull rank as much as you want, but you will never force me to go against my personal code. First Officer or Not."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Tristan Balor
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Élan Val
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Mira Jayde
Executive Officer


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