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Thu Mar 18th, 2021 @ 3:40am

Captain Evelyn Knight

Name Evelyn Deidre Knight

Position Starfleet Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 135
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Steel Blue
Physical Description Evelyn is a short, attractive woman who always has a professional business like style aura to her. She wears her hair mostly down and loose or pulled up, but she has been known to change her hair style on a regular basis just to keep from getting bored with it. She wears a modest amount of jewelry, and when not in uniform she usually wears casual formal style clothing.


Spouse None
Children None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Evelyn is very eclectic, yet at the same time she is very professional and it shows. She has a quirky, almost twisted and dark sense of humor and is quick to hide behind a dark smile in order to hide her true feelings towards most things. She is friendly to a fault, but when the situation calls for her to be serious she does so. She enjoys keeping other off balance in order to gain the upper hand. She prefers to maintain a neat, professional appearance, and tries to maintain a neutral stance with everyone. She is friendly towards those closest to her, just as she is directly blunt towards those she doesn't like.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Loyal to shipmates and friends
Honest and not afraid stand up for what she believes in
Intelligent, determined and a quick thinker
A good listener

Hard headed and stubborn at times
Has a quick temper
Not very sociable

Quirky, dark and twisted sense of humor
Very professional in her mannerisms, specially towards others, however she expects the same from those under her command as well (to a certain point)
Ambitions Her primary ambition is to command a deep space explorer and to go where none have gone before. That being said, she would also like to retire on Earth someday after a long and rewarding career.
Languages Federation Standard, French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Romulan, Klingon (Doesn't like to speak it, though), Vulcan