Captain Evelyn Knight
Name Evelyn Deidre Knight
Position Starfleet Officer
Rank Captain
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 36 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'6" | |
Weight | 135 | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Steel Blue | |
Physical Description | Evelyn is a short, attractive woman who always has a professional business like style aura to her. She wears her hair mostly down and loose or pulled up, but she has been known to change her hair style on a regular basis just to keep from getting bored with it. She wears a modest amount of jewelry, and when not in uniform she usually wears casual formal style clothing. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Evelyn is very eclectic, yet at the same time she is very professional and it shows. She has a quirky, almost twisted and dark sense of humor and is quick to hide behind a dark smile in order to hide her true feelings towards most things. She is friendly to a fault, but when the situation calls for her to be serious she does so. She enjoys keeping other off balance in order to gain the upper hand. She prefers to maintain a neat, professional appearance, and tries to maintain a neutral stance with everyone. She is friendly towards those closest to her, just as she is directly blunt towards those she doesn't like. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: Loyal to shipmates and friends Honest and not afraid stand up for what she believes in Intelligent, determined and a quick thinker A good listener Weakness: Hard headed and stubborn at times Has a quick temper Not very sociable Other: Quirky, dark and twisted sense of humor Very professional in her mannerisms, specially towards others, however she expects the same from those under her command as well (to a certain point) |
Ambitions | Her primary ambition is to command a deep space explorer and to go where none have gone before. That being said, she would also like to retire on Earth someday after a long and rewarding career. | |
Languages | Federation Standard, French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Romulan, Klingon (Doesn't like to speak it, though), Vulcan |